cheer for是什么意思

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cheer for是什么意思

2024-07-12 15:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Cheer to a New Year and anoth chanc for us to get is right.向新的一年欢呼,向一个能让我重新开始的机会欢呼。

2. cheer for

2. And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years take thy rest; eat, drink, make good cheer.以后,我要对我的灵魂说:灵魂哪!你存有大量的财物,足够多年之用,你休息罢!吃喝宴乐罢!

3. cheer for是什么意思


4. Or, again, where the night life quivers in the electric glare like a kinetoscopic picture, and the millinery of the world, and its jewels, and the ones whom they adorn, and the men who make all three possible are met for good cheer and the spectacular effect.又或者,在那里,夜生活像自动放映的影片画面一样在电灯下颤动;世上的女帽、珠宝及其它们所装饰的女人,与使所有这三样成为可能的男人们又一次为了狂欢闹腾和这蔚为壮观的景象汇聚到一样。

5. I'd like to suggest cheer for our cooperation.我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。


6. I will cheer for you.我会为你加油。

7. En, honey, is there anything I can do for you to cheer you up?哦,亲爱的,我能做什么让你开心的事情吗?

8. cheer for的反义词

8. Want to see you come to cheer for me here....想看到妳们来为我加油。。。。

9. At her 4 year's age, she was took down by pneumonia and scarlatina, thereout lead to a syndrome which make her left leg anaesthetization and inutility, and had to use steel frame for crutch, but fortunetely, her mother ofter cheer on her, told her clever girl that what she need was just faith, willpower, courage and strong sprit, she can do whatever things she wanted doing, and never mind the steel frame and the paralytic leg在她4岁那年,肺炎和猩红热光顾了她。由此导致的并发症就是她的左腿变得麻痹,无用,而且必须用铁支架来支撑。然而很幸运的是,她的母亲经常鼓励她。这位母亲告诉聪明伶俐的女儿,说她需要的只是信念,毅力,勇气和坚强不屈的精神,她可以做生活中想做的任何事,用理会支架和那条麻痹的腿。

10. If you're just a single girl, it should be for themselves, but for the arrival of their own holiday cheer.如果您只是单身的女孩,那就应该为自己,为自己节日的到来喝彩。

11. Be in out-of-the-way in unconscious border land, on the black desert of doleful sky distant, wild and uninhabited moor, standing still Chinese petrolic gas station, 5 everyday member that cheer are stationed for a long time here, awaiting each passing traveller that passes here possibly.在偏远的中蒙边境,在寂寞空辽的黑色戈壁、渺无人烟的旷野上,伫立着中国石油的加油站,五个普普通通的加油员长期驻守在这里,等待着每一个可能路经此地的过客。

12. cheer for的近义词

12. Real friends, in your success, he would be happy for you, but do not cheer.真正的朋友,在你获得成功的时候,为你高兴,而不捧场。

13. Let us cheer for China and cheer for athletes to show the world a brand new China.为奥运健儿加油。向世界展示一个崭新的中国帮我翻译把。在这先谢了。表用机器俄

14. Is waiting for you...of course will cheer for you in the coming malaysia's concert小夕等你们哦~~一定会在马来西亚的演唱会上,亲身为你们喝彩!!

15. cheer for

15. In later life Mulan had many occasions to think about this saying of her father's, and it became a sort of philosophy for her, from which she derived much of her good cheer and courage.在木兰以后的生活里,有好多时候儿她想起父亲这句话来,这个道理竟成了她人生的指南,她从中获得了人生的乐观与勇气。

16. My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. Line 35, Para.8当人们开始像对待我那样欢呼鼓掌的时候,我对他满怀同情。


17. Liz`s story seems to be one of those real-life Cinderella stories that we all fall in love with, one where we can cheer for the underdog who eventually triumphs.莉斯的故事是我们一直钟爱的灰姑娘故事的现代版,我们应该为曾受压迫的莉斯获取最终胜利抱以欢呼。

18. cheer for的近义词

18. This time entire falls into the emotional state Earth humanity, saw the those images and scenes, are one piece cheer jump for joy the rapid ebullition picture, everybody in abundance gushes out the main house gate, arrives in the city each giant central square, with in bodily and the hand laser signal stick, composed one all has been glittering the wonderful light extraordinary splendor LOVE shape huge square matrix, to the formation flight in interspace humanity brave warriors, indicated responded and extends the lofty respect.此时整个陷入兴奋状态的地球人类,看到此情此景,更是一片欢呼雀跃迅速沸腾的景象,大家都纷纷涌出家门,来到所在城市中各个巨型中心广场,用身体和手中的激光信号棒,组成了一个个闪烁着奇光异彩的 LOVE 形巨大方阵,向编队飞行中的星际人类勇士们,表示回应并致以崇高的敬意。

19. Or maybe the trivialization of politics has reached a point of no return, so that most people see it as just one more diversion, a sport, with politicians our paunch-bellied gladiators and those who bother to pay attention just fans on the sidelines: We paint our faces red or blue and cheer our side and boo their side, and if it takes a late hit or cheap shot to beat the other team, so be it, for winning is all that matters.或者也许政治的庸俗化到达了无法回头的境地,所以大多数民众将政治视为一种新娱乐,一场游戏,大腹便便的政治家成了角斗士,而广大民众抽出一点时间作壁上观,看双方角斗:我们将脸涂成红色或蓝色,对自己的阵营喝彩,向对方的阵营喝倒彩。如果需要使用后发制人和卑鄙招数打败另外一方,那就使用吧,因为只有胜利才是重要的。

20. Lost one`s life in ……, feel sad, be not lonely, be with you for ever; cheer up, be brave to face all kinds of difficulties, learn to forget; study hard, make progress, graduate from, try one`s best to, be active in …….灾区也有像你一样参加中考的同学,为使他们鼓起更大的学习与生活的勇气,请你用英文给他们写一封60词左右的信,鼓励他们发愤图强。




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